“Nancy Heart has created an eye-opening masterpiece that will linger in your mind for a long time. True incidents and real people are described in profound detail, which will enlighten the reader and create empathy for post-war hardships and their victims. Young Anna stands as a testament to the power of strength, resilience, faith, and perseverance. It is easy to be moved by young Anna’s strength and know that it brings her triumph at the end of her dark tunnel. In Whispers, Sinners, and Saints, the author has poured out her heart and soul, unveiling the true essence of abuse and deprivation. Explicit language and graphic violence scenes add authenticity to the narrative. This is a superb read and, as readers, we owe it to ourselves to appreciate such a journey of self-discovery, faith, and personal growth!”
—Five Stars from Angelique Papayannopoulos, Readers’ Favorite
“Nancy Heart’s memoir Whispers, Sinners, and Saints is a must-read for those with parental responsibilities, therapists, psychologists, and non-fiction history enthusiasts. With vivid anecdotes, memories, and nuanced, evocative depictions, Nancy takes readers back in time, opening a portal into the life of a poor Jewish family in Hungary during the Nazi, then Russian invasion of the country, then into the miserable life of a child living with an abusive mother in New York City. Nancy’s poignant, intimate tone allowed me to connect with her and experience the story emotionally. Both the details of the extended family’s life in Hungary and young Nancy’s life in New York brought me to the brink of tears. The witty commentary and introspective thoughts on the culture and behavior of Hungarians against the backdrop of heart-wrenching life encounters put a smile on my face. Nancy’s extraordinary story has touched me. Her decision to be different from her mother and harbor no resentment against her mother is a powerful lesson for victims of abuse.”
—Five Stars from Keith Mbuya, Readers’ Favorite
“A true story that spans the distance between horrors and Heaven, all within the experiences of a mother and child—it will test your willingness to see the truth. What’s interesting is how one embraces evil while the other holds on dearly to good. Good wins in the end, but getting there, wow! Whispers is equally spine-tingling, provocative, and entertaining. I dare anyone to read this book and say their heart wasn’t moved!”
—William M. Beecham, PhD, psychologist and Christian author
“Characters and events within this memoir of survival come alive, gripping my emotions like a white-knuckle ride. While I pray for all beings, there are some I would never wish to experience in person and others I would welcome with embrace and applause.”
—Denise Foster, minister, reiki master, and teacher
“These characters come to life with the use of their own vernacular and made me chuckle aloud. But even more than possessing a unique flavor-enriched knack of sharing this entertaining, emotional, and historical account, this book wonderfully reflects the inner goodness, innocence, and mystical feelings of a young girl navigating through a maze of darkness to miraculously survive a life that makes Mommy Dearest look like a picnic in the park. I enjoyed this book so much I can’t wait for the rest of the series.”
—Marc A. Rabinoff, EdD, professor, author, and columnist
“Whispers, Sinners, and Saints is a riveting account of true grit realness, offering insight into a child’s life we would not think happens in America. Her immigrant mother arrives in America to live the American dream. What the author survives as a child is a living nightmare. Being a thirty-six-year official in Colorado, I have dealt with every situation as head of a juvenile intake unit, and I commend Nancy for not being placed in ‘the system’ for murder and not falling prey to substance abuse like I have seen others do with far less stacked against them. How she endured and lived to write this book is a miracle!”
—John J. Hafer, sergeant and detective