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Gateway to Self-Discovery

The raw and unabashedly emotive book Whispers, Sinners, and Saints will have readers contemplate the depth of their spirituality and their beliefs.

Anna’s testaments are NOT WHAT a young innocent girl survived but HOW she survived. This in turn offers readers license to be real about themselves in their own life script. As humans, we have secrets we don’t dare share. Sarcastically speaking, a lot of good that does us. Afterall, shame is extra baggage and only gets heavier and grimier the longer it remains locked inside.  Why it’s worse than backed up sewage water.  And that leaves little chance for a healthy supply from quickly becoming contaminated. Face it, humans can only take so much. The brain holds on to the pain the heart endures. I think some good mothers cure to that is: “It’s okay to cry.  Let it out.”

Sitting down and pushing through the pain instead of avoiding the pain is how I learned I connect to myself.  As a youngster, I had no choice.  I had nowhere to turn or no one to console me.  And honestly, the blessing in disguise is that each verbal and physical act of abuse mother smacked me with only pushed me to connect stronger to Whispers.   My readers know Whispers is an entity of Light that shines from above me, whispering His guidance into my right ear.  Unknowingly at the time, as life tested me, I tested Whispers.  I paid very careful attention to His wisdom feeding me hope and His warnings keeping me safe. I so hoped  He would be right coz I was so desperate for something in my life to be right.  Each time He was right, my trust in him grew making the pain within me lessen like holy water soothes the cantankerous sore I called my heart. Yes, it’s only natural then, I preferred being alone than within the company of my mother or in a sea of strangers as I wandered unattended on the streets of Manhattan since the age of four.  I was a defenseless target- easy pickings and I knew it.  I felt it.  And then magically I wasn’t lonely in my aloneness as soon as I remembered I had Whispers to guide me.  He would say, “You’re not alone as long as you remember I am here.”

I can’t help but compassionately think of people, I have known, who can’t sit in quiet stillness for fifteen minutes. “One needs to connect to oneself before one connects to a Higher being.” That’s what I tell people who scrunch their noses and say, “I don’t know, I never made that connection with something Higher.” Or “I am scared to be alone.  I start crying.”

How is anyone going to discover what truly matters if one doesn’t take the time to listen to one’s own thoughts?  I guess some don’t realize the beauty that comes from listening and attending to their subconscious mind and bleating hearts. The same way the rainbow comes after the rain so does a better view present itself after a good releasing cry.  Not connecting to one’s own thoughts, likes and dislikes, leaves that disconnected person to be influenced by the outside world like that unguarded, naïve child wandering the streets- easy pickings- before she recalled, “You’re really not alone as long as you remember I am here.” In this way that four-year old by herself was wiser than some who never find a true connection to their Higher-self -no matter their age.

To be respectfully direct: Crying is not as bad as walking around clueless of one’s life purpose.  Get yourself a box of tissues, a pen and paper and sit in the quiet and dig deep.  Interpret the pain as a gateway to a connection with yourself you need to embrace.   Welcome the moment you are avoiding.  Once there, feed yourself all the correct loving words you starve for. Be sure to commend yourself for the good job done if you introspected for fifteen minutes.  If you’re a pro, go for an hour if you’re in deep.  Reward yourself with a pat on the back so long as you know inebriation and the like is not the way to clarity.  Special time, quality time with loved ones is more the way to go. This my friends replaces the garbage of fear residing in your brain with healthy healing nourishment.

Finally… remembering how important your smile and attitude are for all those around you, let each step you take reverberate positivity the same way butterfly wings flutter happiness into your soul.

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